May 18, 2010

The Meaning Behind Old Spoon

I've very excited to announce an open to the public, non-wedding, non-private party gig.

May 29, 2010, 9:30 p.m. at Tio Leo's Lounge (5302 Napa Street).

I'll be spinning a mix of today's hits with some good, old 90's hip hop. The name of the event is "Take it Back to the Old Spoon," and there have been some queries behind the strange name.

So here's the story.

A few months ago I was playing some music and in the song, the singer chanted "take it back to the old school" over and over. My three year old daughter started singing along. However she thought he was saying "old spoon."

I thought it was funny. And then I thought it sounded cool. Could I be known as DJ Old Spoon?

I'm not exactly ready to rebrand myself, but perhaps my non-wedding stage name can be Old Spoon. I gotta get working on a logo.

Meanwhile, if you're in San Diego, have an open Saturday evening, please join me, fill up my dance floor and let's jam to some great tunes!

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